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Breeze.I come out narrow and small living quarters, a many great commanders all concerned ground to face to come up.The feeling of adding the inside asked a sentence:"The eldest brother sees your ground appearance, how have already known to do?"
He is understand I.Although have a lot of problems I haven't thought it's understand, mostly of direction, later trend, I invited to have an appearance of faintness around unclearly.But can not definitely answer them this time, my branch opens a topic way:"Did the bead sea arrive?"
"Again lead a hour is."Zheng Chun Ting aside and respectfullly and sincerely answers a way.
I urge shoulder, or so swayed to sway neck, did several boxing of standards to warm up action:"Clear for action!"
I express highly war idea, this ratio what fascinating of the speech can even transfer long-term match of subordinate, they run in succession once warship, devotion war front strain of warm up.
The latest battlefield news that just spread to come over expresses that total soldier, Liu Bao, in Guangdong leads Zhang Lang Bu of his new soldier match the bead sea north line a fire gun regiment, tingle iron brigade of riding of Lee to present a half month form to surround aggression from the north;The Carter's Lin Nuo, the department fire gun regiment of Deng Zi Long of south line will also under the match that I strong sea warship cannon, take the offensive upward;My gold tooth the fleet is an equal main force, mainly be responsible for to inhibit to the gunfire that knits a farmland soldier from the sea, thermodynamic power overlay.
This war, try hard for one shot success, will invade thief Kou of home to round up all at one fell swoop!

The third anti- Wo in 60's chapter 332- always offend
Renew time:2009-4-315:22:23 chapter word numbers:5522

The gun voice is still breaking continuously continuous of ring, both parties' soldier seems to be for these several days to cover with to beat tired, leaving this kind of has already annoyed a nerveless breather and beat not to live what person, but Be not willing to stop the way of doing of this kind of depletion the other party will.Knit the farmland letter grows of the iron cannon soldier pass by so for resisting stubbornly of several dayses, unexpectedly and the slightest didn't beg for to go so much, already distressed not presentable son, come from a nautical replenishment to early rupture, on the land, they occupy a ground of neighborhood early and then be burned by them to rob clean, do misdeed light!The fire gun of the gold tooth soldier brigade tightly blockaded this to take, the head of groups once said to will start a pig Tu attack today and opened an indentation leaves bead sea, otherwise be really have never got to eat!But defend all so of difficulties, break through several depths besieged easy?Was outstanding to go to how again?Being the land of foreign country here is the country people who is full of old grudge everywhere, all all the time want and guard against and have no place not at of raid, also have that and comes and goes like the riding of breeze iron brigade ……sultry of the weather nest is in the battlefield that in brief reaches work and emit and piecemeal play rain and come from knitting of near Ji farmland the soldier think of despairing prospect, someone often represses not to live emotion ground and spring up to create noisy disturbance, is executed by the head of group right away and influenced morale more.
The north that knits farmland soldier battlefield, walk face to face 10,000 new soldiers that total soldier Liu in Guangdong shows, this tallest military superior in the Guangdong province finally at the most decisive of the Hou took his to living a dint soldier to rush through to come over, Be command troops great commander of he didn't lose the fierce brave spirit of valiant general, single only Ma Di sign in the brigade before advertising for and observe with the telescope to but of cover with a soldier, after death, 10,000 train a new soldier of excellent fire gun just whole pack due-out, treats lord teacher order the bottom reach, they will the fierce tiger of the following mountain launch a raid.
This war, the Liu new soldier is an absolute main force.Inevitable victory.By all means establish Liu to show and Yu big You and Qi after light together the fame of the shoulder, "Long Hu Bao" of the greatly clear southeast!
The left side sea of Liu new soldier is me ground fleet,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, the right side is a Zhang Lang, sea son, SA Buddha mountain large unit, the before vigorous combat lets their troopses almost reduce a member half, only more than 2,000 persons.In the middle of facing down ground to always offend they can be supporting roles.
Knit the northwest of farmland battlefield.An interruption headstream spacious Huo, silently stationed the riding of gold tooth soldier iron brigade, the cavalry of about 3,000 people.Is since respectively from the riding of north Li Cheng Liang and numb expensive get generally.2 will get already contact with firmly stand by Carter's Lin Nuo, Deng Zi Long's department of line in bead Hainan good, in a short while start of assault south the line gold tooth soldier need to firmly stand by battlefield and keep to surround a situation, make Japanese invaders not get empty in escape then.The son dragon of Carter Lin Nuo Deng they beat also miserably, associate's great commander the Er is courageous to die in battle, is this Guangdong of the tallest Class of land battle sacrifice will get and smelt it all change countenance.Systematically the gold tooth Zhang Lang's large unit started starting to definitely die to assault time and time again several days ago after knowing this news and swore to force it to step back compression for the Er revenging, although dying or injuring miserably weighing a few commanding officers all have the meaning to neglect no matter and pushed forward ten in several days several insides, simply giving knitting a farmland soldier to result in several times in F of dying or injuring, .If don't walk the Liu total soldier arrive to in time, the Buddha mountain large unit is seen and puts together the light to oneself also regardless the sacrificely power!
Now should see ride iron brigade of.In a short while under the match that artillery bombard, infantry push forward, ride iron brigade to also want to start to mount sudden attack from the on the side!The on the side always compares face to face much weak, knit farmland letter long now in hand still has how much iron cannon brigade?10,000 still 8,000?Line up into the front side of one kilometer, 2 meters are a , iron artillery, the front side is 500 people, side but only have only 16 people.Certainly this is just theory, but ride a direction that the soldier mounts sudden attack the weak side wing that can be enemy's soldier anyway, this is to have no can place Ning, must quickly bump into the enemy's battlefield.Occupy vantage point ground to harvest person's head with the yataghan, at knit the rib part that the farmland letter grows clean neatly stick in a knife!
The total soldier's in front of Liu from leopard son in Guangdong is 1,000 people to dare to die a private soldier.Is all crack troops that Liu Zong Bing chooses, the everyones all hold very clear long-handled sword film, wore fish scale armor and fought once beating to ring these heavy AN infantries will the first Tu go up, be fore the noodles attraction knits farmland iron cannon brigade ground thermodynamic power and block gun son.So dangerous task unexpectedly could not see some nervous on these elite sons faces in Guangdong!The Japanese invaders really wreaks havoc the coast Be getting more malicious, the home of these sonses which wasn't harmed by the Japanese invaders, all is to be pregnant blood feud, hurtle up to even if die, can pull small Japanese invaders them to recognize into the hell!
Right hand Gao Gao whom the leopard Liu of Guangdong shows raises, horsewhip in the sky Wan loud and clear whip flower, recover battle to beat ring, 1,000 armor commando units start moving slowly and forward, big cluster of of the fire gun soldier's cat write the waist crawl to follow.
Time seemed to take a nap a moment.Suddenly the artillery battlefield bellowed to break big antebellum and depressed air!"Bomb!Bomb!Bomb!"The cannon voice of Long Long rings out in the north, continuing, several hundred shells are precisely fallen the middle of knitting the farmland battlefield, refuse horse and soil Lei be immediately lifted, after peeping out but distress twinkle of the Japanese invaders person's head.There is a shell falling into Japanese invaders right away soldier inside, bloom one and other huge flesh and blood blossom.The artillery of Japanese invaders starts returning shot right away, the small cannon of infantry push, also have several ten not far long distances from unloaded on board of red Yi heavy artillery the nest is in the dark fortress that reaches work at the time and swallow to vomit the tongue of fire of Azrael.Xuan iron been positive but mounted sudden attack heavy AN infantry mount sudden attack of speed soon, the bullet of fire gun kills to harm them very difficult, all of the hope consign at knit farmland artillery with the quickest speed and carried on a ground of gunfire to counter-attack shell continuously to pound at in the front side of heavy explode efflorescence in AN infantries, assault of road become play the hell that the slice has no dance.The power of the artillery isn't an armor and then can resist of, nitric firework only medium it is thus clear that the heavy AN infantry constantly assaults and constantly falls flop and follow horizontal seven Shuses in the road ground eight lie of is all clear soldier corpse, decrepit black dress A, red fill the air of pool of blood, leopard sub- gunfire in Guangdong's inhibitting doesn't stay the sixth day devil king's flame of anger of under the situation, dead and injured of the clear soldier commando unit is almost exhausted!BE in a short moment of affair!
Suddenly northeast sea, the sky winds and clouds of blue sky white cloud changes Huan, big slice of big slice of very clear ray of light flash across of sting eye, the sky of coast immediately presents a rules pole abnormality white Chi color, muffled thunder general of the sound resound in the whole day Qiong, imitating the Buddha is to fight absolute being the ringing of a per on sky 搥 heavy drum, encourage for two countries fighting of personal enemy!Then is the earth the mother is a burst of and a burst of can not E of shiver!Sad and shrillly roar and shout a voice in, up to thousand heavy artillery shells are knitting farmland battlefield to on all sides blast open a while, one everywhere is shining a little bit deep-fried to connect into one in the light in the nitric firework!The flicker doesn't stop!The shell is completely the Qing of waste type to leak, intensively have no number Related articles:

